Are you looking for commercial pasta machine?

We are experts in:

  • Ravioli pasta maker
  • Italian pasta making
  • Industrial pasta machine

Contact us now: +39. 080 536 7301

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The best Cocozza fresh pasta machines

Here is the range of Cocozza products

Semiautomatic and Automatic Combined


Machines for Gastronomy - Catering


New mechanical cold press Paste Cold drawn

Browse Machines


Cocozza is the perfect option for pasta machines.

Cocozza is the leading manufacturer of pasta machines within the industry that guarantees the highest quality, efficient and functional products as a result of a thirty-year experience. The company is able to satisfy all kinds of need with automatic machines and semi-automatic subdivided into the "shop line" and "laboratory line" thanks to a catalog full of different models. And with Cocozza you really are spoiled for choice with its selection of machines starting from dough to packaging, thus covering all the creation phases of dry pasta and fresh pasta.

A group of specialized experts thinks about maximum efficiency.

Beginning from the great passion and experience of the founders, Cocozza stands out for any work team made up of really qualified and close-knit people who perform their own duties effectively. This feature allows the company to always offer products and services of the highest quality, providing an excellent solidity to the brand and an efficient as well as technologically advanced end product, that is a great advantage for the company that decides to rely on Cocozza.

Trust Cocozza for the your pasta factory.

To be sure a competent as well as problem-free production you have to depend on a combined company that can provide you with high quality machines as well as solutions. Cocozza is the correct solution, with thanks to the technically advanced pasta machines and also the quick as well as expert help support. All this allows you to concretely enhance your production and your turn over since it prevents you from taking on dangerous disruptions that negatively impact your projects. Trust Cocozza for the your pasta company.

Other information and details:

commercial pasta machine | pasta maker video

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Machines for every type of fresh pasta

Cocozza is present on the market with a thirty years of specific experience in the field of pasta making machines. Thanks to the wide range of automatic and semiautomatic machines, you have the possibility to carry out all the production process of the pasta, from the realization up to the packaging, all with perfect and performance machineries.

Do you want a fresh pasta machine?

Choose Cocozza products!

Contact us now